Sunday, February 15, 2009

President George Bush II Cartoon for Machine Embroidery

president george bush embroidery

Check out our great new Presidential Cartoon Character
This is the 43rd President of the United States, George W. Bush.
Use him to adorn your shirt, or where ever you'd like to show your support
He comes with some classic Bush phrases or campaign slogans:
Yes America Can!
A More Hopeful America
Steady Leadership

George Bush Cartoon Embroidery


President Barack Obama Cartoon for Machine Embroidery

barack obama embroidery

Check out our great new Presidential Cartoon Character
He's the current President of the United States, and the man everyone loves. Use this cartoon on your shirt, pillow, where ever you want a little bit of his HOPE, CHANGE and PROGRESS!!!
Comes with campaign phrases hope, change, progress

Barack Obama Cartoon Embroidery
